“Something in human nature causes us to start slacking off at our moment of greatest accomplishment. As you become successful, you will need a great deal of self-discipline not to lose your sense of balance, humility, and commitment.” ~ Ross Perot
I'm feeling bipolar about running lately. One day I embrace the fact that I don't have a training schedule weighing on my mind. The next day I'm kicking myself in the rear for being unmotivated and not getting out there like I should. So far I have really let myself down. I planned on averaging around 20 to 25 miles before marathon training starts again at the end of January. Last week I ran 7 miles and the week before 13. That's not even close to meeting my goal and I'm beating myself up about it.

On one hand, I know I have plenty of miles to look forward to. Marathon training is somewhat of a full-time job, especially near the half-way point and leading up to the race. I will be clocking around 40 miles per week during most of my training and that will include MANY early mornings. So, when my alarm goes off in the morning and I'm fighting with myself to get out of bed, I simply say "Eh, give yourself a break, you have plenty of these early days coming." The alarm is turned off and my state of becoming a sloth increases.

Even my husband has been letting me slack. I planned on getting up early a few Saturday's ago to get in a long run and he let me sleep in. When I told him I was supposed to get up he said "Don't worry about it. You have plenty of Saturday runs to come." While I love him for this, he's not doing me any favors! I'm really nervous about having a hard time getting back into marathon shape if I let myself slack too much. I pride myself on being able to run 6 + miles pretty easily. I promised myself I would not let that slip over the winter months. So why do I keep allowing myself to slack?

I can't decide - Do I want a schedule right now? Do I not want a schedule? Should I just enjoy running when I feel like it or should I stick to the promise I made with myself and get those 20 - 25 miles in per week? I'm sure if I had a trainer he would be saying very nasty things to me right now for skipping important running days. After all, I do need to maintain my health before the nitty gritty training starts. So, here's the deal... I've decided to give myself a challenge (a challenge is so much better than a goal, right?) and I'd like for all of you to join me. The challenge is '100 Miles in January.'

Yes, '100 Miles in January!' It may sound scary, but it's not! Running 25 miles per week is absolutely doable and when you're held accountable by others, you won't want to fail. So, who's in? I need to ditch the bipolar state of mind, get back to feeling good about my routine and quit my whining and excuses. January won't know what hit it with all of us out there keeping the asphalt warm!

Run Hard,
Run Strong,
Run for You,
12/13/2011 11:37:48 am

Totally, 100%, absolutely in!! I need direction in my life too. If I plan to do any races this spring (let alone two in a week), I need to get off my ass in a major way. Thanks for the motivation sir. I love me a challenge :)

12/13/2011 09:17:36 pm

Cristin, I knew I could count on you!

12/13/2011 09:57:38 pm

The quote you used is totally true. Right after I completed my marathon, I didn't feel like doing ANYTHING. This is included running, laundry, cleaning, working, etc. While I thought I would embrace not having a schedule, I have learned that without one I will do nothing. So, I made myself a schedule, nothing crazy, but enough to keep me moving. So...in response...challenge accepted!

12/14/2011 01:57:52 am

I am in but my goal will be to get out and run two days a week. It may be small but without a treadmill, I will have to force myself out in the bitter cold temps. Here goes nothing!

12/14/2011 08:49:20 am

While I may curse you later:), I needed this!! Feeling like a lazy bum lately. For me, the longer I am away from running it makes me more intimidated to get back into it, if that makes any sense!! But without a treadmill, my goal will be to run twice a week--maybe more like 50 miles in January! Better than 0:)

12/14/2011 10:11:10 pm

Well, hey, if you want me to be a jerk in the mornings I can do that...LOL!

I'm in for the 100 miles too...obviously, not running for me, but some combination of bike, elliptical, walk, or run, i'll shoot for 100. :-)


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